New England Gardening Advice By the Month -January
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It's cold outside! If you're lucky, your holiday poinsettia is still blooming, and maybe an amaryllis. Just about everything else is either dead or dormant.
So what can you do to keep the gardening in new england dream alive during the winter months? Start thinking early Spring!
Hit the books and the internet to start planning your early spring garden. Now is the time to order seeds for lettuce, peas, onions and other early spring vegetables so that they arrive on your doorstep in January or February for inside planting. Remember, you can start your spring seedlings inside the house or in a coldframe weeks before they will be set outside. The benefit for you.... earlier yields and a little something to keep your green thumb occupied during the long cold winter!

Lastly, don't forget to pot up your next batch of spring blooming bulbs for forcing. Pot new bulbs for forcing every 3 to 4 weeks during the coldest winter months. That way you can keep the show going non-stop until your garden begins to show signs of life in March/April! We'll see you next month for more tips and advice for gardening in New England!